Kinect Unfairly Compared To…A Sofa

Jun 22, 2010

Someone, hilariously, has posted an image on the interwebzz that depicts a check list showing the abilities of the new Xbox 360 Kinect and… a Sofa, in a neat little comparison. I’m all for innovations but.. damn that sofa looks good right now! Any opinions from our lovely visitors? Tell us what you think about the whole Kinect thingymajiggy...

Full Portal 2 E3 Demo Video

Jun 22, 2010

The full 13 minute plus E3 Demo Video for 2011’s “Portal 2″ has been put on the internet and it showcases everything the game has to offer. This new installment looks amazing and as always with Portal, it is full of giggles. This is a serious must see… unless you want to wait until next year of course… Follow this link to see the...

The Glitch Report : May – 2010

Jun 10, 2010

Welcome to’s Glitch Report. If there is a Glitch or abnormality in a videogame, I am the one who is bound to stumble across it and this Glitch Report will outline the most prominent and downright outrageous Glitches that I have discovered in games recently. I also encourage you to post your own Glitch experiences in the comments below! This...

Future Wars Review

May 22, 2010

Things that have made today a good day, 1: Another game was sent to me to review! 2: I’m eating Bacon… The game sent to me this time is “Future Wars” for the PC. I had some issues with Windows Vista being amazing as usual but it’s all good. Considering I have never really played a strategy game, for the purposes of this review I brought over my...

The Glitch Report : April – 2010

May 19, 2010

Welcome to’s Glitch Report. If there is a Glitch or abnormality in a videogame, I am the one who is bound to stumble across it and this Glitch Report will outline the most prominent and downright outrageous Glitches that I and others have discovered in games recently. I also encourage you to post your own Glitch experiences in the comments...

Alan Wake: First hours Review

May 16, 2010

Did you ever buy a game that you have been waiting a year or so for and then been severely disappointed? I have, it’s happened a few times to me. That’s why even though I was so badly looking forward to this game, I still felt anxious as I handed over £50 for my Limited Collectors Edition of the new Survival Horror, Action game “Alan Wake” but I have to...

Complete 2010 Game release list

May 1, 2010

Sorry for the gaudy picture, but the picture I wanted to use told me “NO I wanna be a buttface!” So I picked another one… Anyways heres a complete list from showing all the games scheduled to come out in this delicious year – Start saving up! DS Release List: * Sports Island DS – 2nd of May * Lego Harry Potter –...

Dead Space 2 Trailer Released

May 1, 2010

*Contains self* Ehem .. Hi! Remember “Dead Space“? OF COURSE YOU DO!… Erm well there’s a trailer for Dead Space 2 that was released recently and, well, it looks beautiful *sobs*. I love you Dead Space ! Ok enough fanboying, this trailer looks so epic! It doesnt show anything gameplay wise – Which I think is great. What it does show...

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