SouthPeak Mock Two Worlds II In New Video Series

Jul 29, 2010

Two Worlds II was not well received by critics or fans, but at least SouthPeak are trying to make the most of it. They have now made a series of video’s featuring Sordahon, the games reluctant bad guy, and his life in the real world as he gets angry phone calls from gamers regarding the games faults, and then tries to get a new career. The videos are genuinely funny even if you haven’t played the game, and its great to see that SouthPeak have enough of a sense of humour to be able to mock their own product’s weaknesses. In some respects, the videos play as a bit of an apology to those who where disapointed with the game. However, I wonder if the company will see any more sales from these videos? Maybe some people will buy it just to see how bad it actually is. The videos are available to view at .

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