PS Plus Subscribers Get Original Tomb Raider First

Aug 14, 2010

Playstation Plus subscribers will get the chance to buy the Eidos 1996 title, Tomb Raider, two weeks before the rest of us.

The groundbreaking PS1 hit will be available on Monday in the Plus section, giving subscribers the chance to explore tombs, solve puzzles and make Lara say “Oof!” by running into walls.

Wherever we can, we are trying to get early demos and exclusive content for Plus members and this is by no means the end of these little mid month treats that you have requested, so keep an eye out for more.

Also available to subscribers (since Wednesday), is Pixel Junk Racers “2nd Lap” – totally free to download if you have the original Pixel Junk Racer. This is also available two weeks before it’s general release in the Playstation Store.

Have you subscribed to Playstation Plus? What do you think of it? If not, are you planning on doing so in the future?

Via Playstation Blog EU


  1. Jen Hawkins /

    This is a nice little extra, classic game! I have’t signed up to PSN Plus and I don’t really see any major incentive to do so. I don’t think it gives you that much, considering that you can still play online for free.

    When the European store gets half as good as the US or Asian stores, I might consider it. What they have on offer as a standard on their store makes the EU look shameful.

    • Andrew Jack Fenn /

      I agree. The US store has had all Tomb Raider games bar Chronicles for over a year, all the Resident Evils, they have all Syphon Filters whereas we only get 1 and 3 for some reason, they get everything months before we do, IF we do… someone dropped the ball with the EU PSN store big-time!


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